If you've ever had a word with me you'd probably know I am a big fan of electronic music, I don't listen to any pop music because I find it to be soul-less, corporate-first and money-second.
I don't ever listen to one genre though and I also don't like the "gaming montage" kind of music, Some of my favourite artists are:
Mr. Bill,
Infected Mushroom,
Fox Stevenson,
Panda Eyes and the legendary,
Listen to any of those links and let me know if you enjoyed it!
If you're still unsure of what I mean, check out my
last.fm page.
You might have noticed I mentioned having made sounds for a game, I also sometimes create music and sound effects in Ableton Live, I've been using DAWs in general since 2018 with good ol' GarageBand, later in 2019 I moved to FL Studio and significantly progressed, I've moved to Ableton Live in fall of 2021 and I'm never looking back. Since then I have made a lot of music, and it has met the internet! Check out my
Newgrounds and